Making a world of difference. One day at a time.

Making a difference.

It all begins with an intention.

Ours is to create more purposeful and conscious ways of doing business. One company at a time. One team at a time. One person at a time. One day at a time.

That is our purpose.

Making a difference with our work.


Every business should have a vision of a desired future and the impact they want to make with their work. This is the purpose driven side of the equation. Our purpose driven impact looks something like this.

Our 5 year goals are to;

  • Establish Today The Arena as new breed of Business Advisory firm; one filled with conscious business experts, purpose consultants and mentors with soul.

  • Become synonymous in Scotland with the drive to become a wellbeing economy and known for helping businesses become purpose driven and wellbeing focused.

  • Work with over 250 businesses of various sizes that exemplify the new type of purpose driven, wellbeing business.

  • Transform the lives of more than 10,000 people who have directly experienced our ‘Find, Be and Live Your Purpose’ programmes as individuals in the businesses we’ve worked with. And are now living their best, most purposeful lives.

  • Establish The Purposeful Network as the UK’s leading source of inspiration and support for more than 2,000 businesses committed to growing with purpose.

  • Create a vibrant and valuable community of purposeful business leaders as part of The Purposeful Network.

  • Build a team of empowered, highly motivated experts who work along side each other, in a new form of business structure, carrying forward our purpose, in the UK’s most highly rated business for employee wellbeing.

  • Play a part in Scotland becoming a wellbeing economy and businesses becoming ready to receive the next generation.

Making a difference while we work.


Every business should understand the impact it is having on the world around them as it goes about its daily business. This is the wellbeing focused side of the equation.

There are a number of ways measuring this impact.

At the top level we have the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Of the 17 goals our top priorities are;

Goal 8 Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Goal 3 Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all at all ages.

Goal 12 Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.

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At a more detailed level we are tracking the impact our business has on the world around us using the SDG Action Manager. It’s a relatively simple tool to help measure, track and improve our sustainability performance. Our current score is 58.1% so plenty of room for improvement. As a very new and small business the main area we need to focus on is tightening up our written policies and procedures.

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Our ultimate ambition is to become a certified B Corporation. A bit more work for us to do before we have all the paperwork in place but that’s our ambition for the coming year.